Area of River Mersey reclaimed to form Brombrough Dock and a silt Pond. The location of the Park is still part of the River Mersey
Britain from Above – EPW021619 ENGLAND 1928

Bromborough Dock opened
Britain from Above – EPW044483 ENGLAND 1934

Brombrough Dock closes to ships
Picture taken after the dock had closed, as River Dibbin’s channel was altered

Waste disposal Land fill site

Port Sunlight River Park opens

The Future
Lots of events. ideas and conservation activities planned
if you want to receive our monthly “what’s on” email.
email – subscribe to: friendsofpsrp@gmail.com
A Youtube Video presented by Andy our previous Ranger
It covers the history of the park and its wildlife
There is also an extensive separate website created by the Friends of PSRP based on interviews with people connected in some way with the site and the river.