The Park opened in August 2014 and will be 10 years old this year. The Park provides a unique and unrivaled view of the River Mersey towards Liverpool & also up river, across the Wirral and the hills of North Wales.
The Friends group have always provided strong support for developing, maintaining and promoting the Park.
At present we are unable to send out newsletters
This is due to changes to prevent too much spam email being sent.
But it puts an impossible burden on on voluntary groups
The Friends of Port Sunlight River Park are a voluntary group whose aim is to support Port Sunlight River Park, Wirral
We fund raise funds and stage events for the benefit of the local community. We also take part in local events to highlight the River Park.
We succesfully bid for funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund to create a unique resource “From Refuse to Recreation” exploring the history of the Park Site.
For more information link to us on Facebook
or email us
We also have some details on Bromborough Pool Village
History of Bromborough Pool (
Work has progressed on this area, and hopefully birds will soon be nesting.
16 Tons of gravel. The gravel scrape & 2 smaller water pools. The tracks left by the digger & dumper truck create idea areas for wild flowers.
Port Sunlight River Park is located on the River Mersey in the North West of England.
Check the News Page for what’s happening in and around the park.
The Park is owned by the Land Trust and is managed by TCV (The Conservation Volunteers)
Autism Together still run the café and also undertake some work in the park
Land Trust Port Sunlight River Park
TCV | The Conservation Volunteers
The site contact for Port Sunlight River Park space is Eric Joinson Tel: 07740 899601
Our “Friends across the water” celebrate 40 years. They are doing a great job rediscovering the International Garden Festival Site.